E-commerce invest day

Welcome to an event focused on e-commerce and venture capital in Sweden

Invest day is a day with focus on e-commerce and venture capital. An invite-only day, with leading people in the Nordics regarding e-commerce. A day with focus on personal connections and creating future possibilities, but also knowledge sharing, unexpected stories and business opportunities.

Got a very promising spontaneous investment because of a conversation at the event. It was fun that the event led to something concrete and not just fun” Stefan Mahlstein

The event will have some of the most promising e-commerce startups in the region participating, but also some of most important investors will be there, both on an angel investor as well as venture capital level. On top of that, selected executives from the biggest ecommerce success will also take part.

This is the third year that E-commerce Invest is organized. The aim is to have a day of inspiration and knowledge, and an evening of network and fun.

Very fun to be part of such a diversified and good program. The atmosphere was very personal and inclusive during both the day and the evening.” Rickard Vernet

This is a small event, and all invitees are selected personally. We know that everyone in this field is really busy and result oriented. That’s why our focus is on quality and maximum return per time unit spent on this event.

Agenda and schedule









Investing in ecommerce – challenges and opportunities


Digital innovation – what the future holds for ecommerce


Coffee break


Early stage ecommerce companies – new trends and markets


Late stage ecommerce companies – challenges and growth


Dinner and networking


The event is free of charge, thanks to our sponsors that really believe in the region’s e-commerce scene: